Monday, 18 February 2013


After Root Canal Treatment is it necessary to put a cap or CROWN over that tooth????

normal tooth

tooth undergone RCT
Yes! After RCT the crown of the tooth should be covered with a crown. Generally the outer layer of tooth structure (Enamel) not supplied with nerves and blood vessels. But it shows some sensiitivity. It  is due to the high vascular  and nerves supply to its inner layer (DENTINE) Enamel contains only 3-4% of water in childhood. The texture and consistency  of Enamel is maintained by vascularity of dentine. As the age advances the water content of enamel further reduces. That is why (less amount of water) the chipping of edges of enamel increases with increasing age. In people with pan, tobaco and betel chewing the enamel looses its water content very fast and becomes more and more brittle leading to more chipping of enamel (this is the direct effect of pan, tobaco and betel on enamel). In case of RCT done teeth, the nerves and blood vessels are removed from pulp chamber. So the tooth is completely deprived of humidity. Enamel, the outer layer will start loosing its water content faster. Hence it becomes more brittle. In addition the crown is made hallow with holes prepared in opening the root canals. So the tooth becomes more more brittle and increased chances for crown fracture.To save the crown from breaking, it should be covered with an outer cover  the so called CROWN!!

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