Sunday, 10 February 2013


Warm Salt Water how it helps in oral health?
     Salt water making is important. Crystal salt is preferred to table salt. The salt should remain at the bottom after mixing with water. That mean super- saturated one.
      In the swollen gums the tissue fluid (exudate)fluid increases in the outer layers. This fluid  exerts pressures on the nerve tips causing discomfort and pain. Our aim is to remove the tissue fluid. Salt water being hypertonic solution(more viscid), when gargled the warm salt water remove the collected  tissue fluid by means of osmosis (pulling of less concentrated liquid by more concentrated fluid into it) there by reduces the pressure, pain and discomfort.
      Salt water also removes the stagnated food particles by penetrating in to the tooth and surrounding under cuts there by reduces the gum infection and tooth decay.
       Salt water being alkali in nature, it maintains the Ph of saliva in alkali nature and reduces the tooth erosion  chances.
       Night after salt water gargling, no rinsing with plain water again!!

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